Find element in array and delete it

Find an array element and delete it with splice().

another bored fish

Create an array

Create an array of items in a shopping list. Below is an array for my favourite meal, Spaghetti alla Carbonara.

const shopping_list = ['eggs', 'bacon', 'garlic', 'olive oil', 'spaghetti', 'basil'];

Find and delete item in array

If the bacon has been bought it needs to be removed from the list. Create a function that takes the item as an argument.

function removeItemFromShoppingList(item) {


The array needs to be looped through to:

function removeItemFromShoppingList(item) {
 for (let i = 0; i < shopping_list.length; i++) {
  if (shopping_list[i] === item) { // find
   shopping_list.splice(i, 1) // delete

Call the function

Pass into the function the item to be deleted, in this case ‘bacon’.


This results in the updated array.

['eggs', 'garlic', 'olive oil', 'spaghetti', 'basil'];

That’s it.

Thank you for stumbling across this website and for reading my blog post entitled Find element in array and delete it